Income Disclaimer
Last Updated on 18 Jan 2021
This is not a get rich quick program nor do we believe in overnight success. We believe in hard work, integrity and developing your skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our affiliate program, information, tools or strategies.
The numbers below reflect estimates prepared by the company pending a more detailed survey to be conducted after its first year. The average annual gross income for Affiliates is projected to be between $500 and $2,000 based upon industry standards and company projections. If income projections were presented to you prior to your enrollment, such projections are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that you can or will earn through your participation in the Referral Plan. 
These income projections should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Success with TICKET TO SUCCESS results only from active participation and successful marketing efforts, which do require work, commitment and diligence on your part.
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